Friday 2 May 2014

Election day, holiday

On Thursday the 17th we had a day off because of the elections. The world's largest elections started in 7th April and will continue until 12th of May in nine phases. Last Thursday was one of the busiest election days, people voted in 120 electoral districts in the area that covers 12 states, and included in those districts was Udaipur district in which Salumbar belongs. Whole Rajasthan was not included as people for example in Jaipur the voting will be later on. On 16th May all the votes should be counted and the new parliament will start its duties in the beginning of June.

Left finger inked for the mark of voting

Visiting the voting place did not take long. Without the voting rights I was not allowed in the school building where the voting happened and I waited outside for Vishakha's cluster-in-charge Vikram to do his duties. However, earlier that day we visited Mukal temple near Salumbar. After some thirty minutes of riding we reached the place. A rather new temple, around 15years old, was built on top of a small hill next to the river Gomathi. A Hindu temple with a big white dome is a common sight in India but what made this place special was the green garden built on top of the hill. All around us was desert-like dry environment: sand, leafless trees, thorn bushes and more sand. Even the river was very dry as the monsoon is still more than two months away. However, next to the temple was a green garden with mowed lawn, blossoming bushes and small, green trees. Behind the garden was a cluster of small shrines with the tiniest Shiva lingas I have seen so far in India. Too bad the close-in-photos or the garden photos were not that good due to stain in the camera lense so this time there are no photos about those.

Shrine complex in the backyard of the temple

After the holy place we visited the family of Vikram's brother, ate great meal and saw his place. Before going back home we also visited his parents quite near, and as usual in India, the treatment was extremely friendly. A good way to end the day trip!

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